Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Welcome to a Frugal New Yorker. Hi My name is Hill and I am a Frugal New Yorker! The reason for this blog is simple. I want to share with  you  ways that you can live in New York or any other expensive city like New York on the cheap. Most of the articles  that will be featured here will be about living in New York but I am sure that you can apply the same situation and saving methods to just about any city that you live in. I happen to live in New York so that's where my saving methods would be concentrated on. On that Note.... Let me tell you about myself in short. I use to work for the city of New York. I left that job 3 years ago because of medical reason.  When I left I was making about $45,000 a year and that's after 20 years of service. Now I am unemployed, working part time or when I can. I live mostly off my saving and my partners pension and social security. (He supports me).  So because of this I have to be very creative with my spending and that's why I am a Frugal New Yorker.  So come with me on this Journey and let's be Frugal together. It don't matter if your  A New York or not as long as your Frugal.....

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