Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Hello My Hustlers, How the hustle?

Today I am talking to you about Pinterest. Which is a social media platform. I know we all know Facebook, Twitter. and especially Instagram but do you know Pinterest?   Don't sleep on Pinterest because if you do you might miss the boat when it comes to making sales for your hustle. First the good thing about Pinterest is that it's free to set up a business account or a personal account. I have a personal one for now. But on my personal board I do have my hustle boards as well.

Pinterest works like a pin up board you have a topic let's say for example I have a board about Crazy Cakes. I use that board to post crazy looking cakes and things related to crazy looking cakes. Using Pinterest is easy. Now for your hustle if you are selling a service or item. You would open a business account then you would create boards that's related to your hustle and your personal interest to. The reason I say that is because your business account should have something about your personal interest as well. People don't always want you selling them stuff all the time they want to know you.

They offer some great videos on YouTube on how to get started on Pinterest. And how to open a business account step by step. The reason I am telling you this is that Pinterest has millions of people on their platform and if you could get 3%  in sales from these people you would be doing ok.  Heck if you get 1% your still good in my book. This is another way to draw traffic to your hustle. 
For free at that.

Happy Hustling

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